Ultrasound education
for nephrologists
Educational materials
Atlas of Renal Ultrasonography. Comprehensive text covering all aspects of kidney and bladder ultrasound. More information.
Renal Ultrasound Teaching Cases. Actual cases to test your interpretation along with detailed explanations of the findings. More information.
Training courses and workshops
Ultrasonography For Nephrologists. This is a comprehensive 2-day weekend course that has been offered since 1996. The course is held 3-4 times per year on the Emory University campus and includes both didactic and hands-on training. More information.
Minifellowship in Renal Ultrasonography. This is a 5-day program performing and interpreting renal ultrasounds in Emory University Hospital and Clinic. Only one trainee is scheduled per week. More information.
Over-reading service. Provides feedback on the quality of studies and interpretations for nephrologists getting started. Can also serve as a second opinion on difficult interpretations. More information.
ASDIN Hands-On Course. This hands-on workshop focuses on the role of ultrasonography in all aspects of nephrology, including kidneys and bladder, guidance for percutaneous procedures, management of dialysis access, and volume assessment. More information.
Point-of-Care Ultrasound for the Nephrologist. Half-day didactic and hands-on workshop offered annually at the National Kidney Foundation Spring Clinical Meeting.​
Web-based training
Video curriculum for diagnostic point-of-care ultrasound (Physics & knobology, Kidney, Lung, basic echo, intro to Doppler, artifacts etc.) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFdeth7h_O6aGClfMys1ITA3mikmPKZcn
Focused videos of brief cases and technical points. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFdeth7h_O6blH1-33cC0eVQ0HLnEHUjV
ISN-ASDIN POCUS Webinar March 19, 2025.
Training curricula in point-of-care ultrasound in nephrology:
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Certification in renal ultrasound is available through the American Society of Diagnostic and Interventional Nephrology. Certification limited to renal transplantation is also available. More information.